journal clubs
The “journal club” series of seminars was held in 2022 with the aim of putting the project team, which includes the areas of history of technology and mobility, urban geography and economics, public policies and citizen science, in dialogue with itself . A second objective is to open up the project to other people, in particular the partners with whom we want to dialogue (public institutions that have legislative and regulatory power over mobility in Lisbon; activist groups, which propose solutions for the city that include active mobility and users ). The deepening of the dialogue with the partners will take place in a second phase, throughout 2023, during which we will organize a round table and four workshops. In these workshops, we will put into practice the history laboratories with the partners, using documental and visual sources, also using knowledge co-construction tools.

Journal Club 1, 9/16/2022 - History and the "usable past"
Frank Schipper, Martin Emanuel, and Ruth Oldenziel. 2020. "Introduction. Historicizing Sustainable Urban Mobility". InA U-Turn to the Future: Sustainable Urban Mobility since 1850, edited by Martin Emanuel, Frank Schipper, and Ruth Oldenziel, 1st ed., 4:1–26. Berghahn Books.

2nd Journal Club: Discussion of the article "The Social Cost of Automobility, Cycling and Walking in the European Union"
Gössling, Stefan, Andy Choi, Kaely Dekker, and Daniel Metzler. 2019. "The Social Cost of Automobility, Cycling and Walking in the European Union". Ecological Economics 158 (Apr.): 65–74.

3rd Journal Club: Discussion of the article "Citizen science and the potential for mobility policy"
Storme et al, "Citizen Science and the Potential for Mobility Policy – Introducing the Bike Barometer".Case Studies on Transport Policy 10 (3):1539–49.

Journal Club 4, 11/30/2022 - Story on the role of activism
Henk-Jan Dekker. 2022. "Between Protest and Counter-Expertise: User Knowledge, Activism, and the Making of Urban Cycling Networks in the Netherlands Since the 1970s".NTM Zeitschrift Für Geschichte Der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin30(3): 281–309.
and the introduction (pp. 312-315) of article
Jaume Valentines-Alvarez. 2022. "Tilting at 'Nuclearmills'? Wind Energy, Grassroots Networks and Technologies of Protest in Spain, 1976–1984".NTM Zeitschrift Für Geschichte Der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin30(3): 311–44.

5th Journal Club: debate on the article "Evaluating the impact of land use on travel behaviour"
Bert van Wee. 2011. "Evaluating the Impact of Land Use on Travel Behaviour: The Environment versus Accessibility". Journal of Transport Geography, 19 (6): 1530–33.

6th Journal Club: Discussion of the article "More than walking and cycling: What is 'active travel'?"
Simon Cook, Lorna Stevenson, Rachel Aldred, Matt Kendall, and Tom Cohen. 2022. "More than Walking and Cycling: What Is 'Active Travel'?" Transport Policy 126 (Sep.): 151–61.